It is impossible to do research on the Young Tissue Extract without first colliding into the fascinating history of the Avian Egg Extract Formula and all the natural wellness products developed as a result.



First discovered in 1929 by Dr. John R. Davidson, the Laminin Amino YTE formula has managed to alter multiple lives by harmonizing the mind and body, bringing them back to a normal state, and rejuvenating the body.



The All Natural Laminin Amino YTE Health Discovery created with the Avian Egg Extract helps to regulate the adrenal hormones which enhance tissue function, including muscle, skin, GI, vascular, nerve and immune system functions.


This amazing avian egg extract formula also reduces physical and mental stress, burns fat, promotes more restful sleep, and increases libido. Studies have shown this Laminin Amino Young Tissue Extract (YTE) helps individuals facing physical and mental challenges. In addition, it is also known to have a positive impact on the physical activeness of the individual. In fact, it is also known to lead to quicker recovery after a hard work out.


This avian egg Laminin Amino extract has testimonies of promoting muscle tone and strength, effectively improving energy levels and increasing stamina.



It wasn’t until almost 50 years later that the pursuit of fertilized hen egg extract was revived by Norway’s foremost expert on egg research, Dr. Bjodne Eskeland.


Dr. Eskeland also hypothesized that partially incubated, fertilized hen eggs contained a special combination of amino acids, peptides, and protein fractions that could help provide an incredible array of health benefits when consumed by humans.

In theory, these partially incubated, fertilized eggs – specifically 9-day-old fertilized eggs, contain all the nutrients required to start a new life. This includes vitamins, minerals and proteins, as well as important defence factors, growth factors, hormones and other biologically active components.


 Knowledge of the fibroblast factor was still relatively scarce at the time and the high level of oligopeptides (small peptides) gave credence to research that was previously conducted on a similar matter. The research had aimed to prove the necessity of rapid transport across the digestive membrane in order to derive effective benefits from amino acids.

 Uncovering the Secret!


By now, researchers were curious about how this particular key ingredient contained a plethora of health benefits. A team of Norwegian scientists dedicated to unravelling this mystery started working with the avian egg extract until exclusive manufacturing and distribution rights were finally granted to a company in USA.


A patented process extracts the critical nutritional fluid from the white of an egg at the protoembryonic stage, so we called it ProtoEmbryonic Stage Extract (PESE). The Laminin Amino extract not only provided a mechanism of rapid transport of very critical nutrients, but also contained Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor, which is most probably responsible for the amino acids and peptides to be utilized in the right manner, by “directing” their correct use by the body.


The growth factor also responsible for nurturing the body’s own stem cells is both differentiated, and undifferentiated. Common amino acid formulations do not contain this growth factor, and may not be utilized by the brain in the most efficient manner.



Finally, a team of scientists went to work to develop the perfect supplement.  Using PESE as a base ingredient, we looked at the symptoms caused most by our diets and environment and then looked to “super charge” the PESE for modern day use.


The PESE would be used to address and correct problems surrounding skin and hair health, moods (depression), memory loss, fatigue and cardiovascular.


Having a perfectly balanced, natural, transport mechanism, with a strong “director” with PESE we knew that the added amino acids would not only find their way to the right areas of the body, but could also be guided properly to perform their function efficiently.


We then added the amino acids most critical for the improvement of health in terms of skin, hair, memory function, cardiovascular health, and restoration of energy. It even included natural plant protein and marine protein.


These ingredients from land, sea, and sky combine to form the powerful symbiotic relationship of the base ingredient in the avian egg extract formula called OPT9.