Oligopeptides, in a unique blend are thought to be building blocks without a director or a bridge. A growth factor named FGF or Fibroblast Growth Factor serves as the bridge or director in this situation. FGF is prolific in PESE, as well as in the human placenta. This was discovered in a day by day study conducted in 1988.


FGF is a peptide that was originally discovered in the 70s. FGF was found to be critical to the development of embryos but was severely lacking in human adult bodies.


It was also found to be responsible for the building of linings within blood vessels. These would then serve as an infrastructure that would allow nutrients to flow towards critical areas of the brain and organs. Studies have also shown tangible results for the potential of FGF to affect neurodisorders and neurite growth. Neurites contain Axons and Dendrites responsible for the transmission and receipt of signals and are attached to neurons in the brain.


Studies also revealed that new cell cultures had a dramatic increased in amino acid uptake and peptides when exposed to FGF. The results supported the hypothesis that certain precise mechanisms that affect embryonic growth through unique combinations of peptides, amino acids, and FGF.


Since the circulation of FGF is lacking in human adults, there have been many research studies involved in the development of serums that will supply the critical FGF required to cure neurodisorders. Altman J found in 1962 that neural stem cells were developed in the body when experiencing abnormalities and were found in certain zones of the brain.


This new discovery was crucial to the progress of FGF and stem cell research. This meant that the brain was prepared to address and cure any damage occurring in the brain and that the cells would differentiate into a wide range of neurons. These neurons which would be derived from neural stem cells would migrate to various regions in the Nervous Systems.



The essential amino acid profile of vegetable protein is very similar to ideal proteins required in nutrition (FAO/WHO 1985 and 2002). The development of the patented Laminin Amino Avian Egg Young Tissue Extract further eliminates compounds and isolates proteins in order to neutralize the benefits of amino acids.


This results in an ingredient which contains branched chain amino acids that counter insomnia, higher levels of glutamic acid which improves the cognitive function of the brain, and Lysine which controls serotonin levels in the brain controlling mood swings. These isolated proteins add a synergistically potent composition that enhances brain activity.